We are alive and doing well. This semester at Calvary Chapel Bible Institute NZ has been full on. So many great things have happened since the last update and we hope to catch you up as briefly as we can.
Outreach Week
Andrew co-led a team to Calvary Wellington's holiday program (aka Vacation Bible School). Great things happened as children who didn't know Christ, came closer to Him. A family of young ladies who did not attend Calvary Wellington have started attending that church since the program. We even saw two of the ladies at the family camp (mentioned later). The team from CCBI had a great time sharing in this holiday program and even got to see a bit of Wellington too!
Dawn completed her Whole30 in September but didn't want to stop. She aimed for another 30 days for a grand total of a Whole60, but the Ladies in Leadership retreat shortened it by a day and some change. It was a challenging experience to tack on an additional 30 days, but she is glad she attempted it. Would she do it again.... probably not. :)
Calvary Ladies in Leadership Retreat
CCBI NZ hosted a retreat for the ladies in leadership at the Calvary Chapels across New Zealand. It was a time to get together, to encourage, pray with, and let each other know they are not alone. It was a profitable time as many of the ladies left encouraged to keep fighting the fight. Please pray for those in ministry within New Zealand as it is challenging.
Andrew has been teaching through the book of Genesis this semester. Some of his big take aways from teaching this book are:
- That God, in His infinite wisdom and knowledge, already had a plan for man through Jesus. We forget that not only was God at the beginning, but so was the trinity. God made a way through Jesus and it begins in Genesis.
- We don’t have to be perfect to be used by God. We just need to purpose in our hearts to follow and obey Him.
Dawn had the opportunity to team teach the ladies class and they focused on God's attributes as seen in the Psalms. Dawn taught on God's immutability (God is unchanging) and God the Creator. One quote that stood out was from Ravi Zacharias:
The goodwill of the Father makes His unchanging nature not overwhelmingly challenging. He is good, He is full of grace (giving us what we don't deserve), and He is merciful!"When God is our Holy Father, sovereignty, holiness, omniscience, and immutability do not terrify us; they leave us full of awe and gratitude. Sovereignty is only tyrannical if it is unbounded by goodness; holiness is only terrifying if it is untempered by grace; omniscience is only taunting if it is unaccompanied by mercy; and immutability is only torturous if there is no guarantee of goodwill.”
Dawn enjoyed sharing fun and uncommon facts about some creatures and our known universe. She shared information from Louie Giglio's video about How Great is Our God and the four stars he focused on. If the earth were a golf ball..... She now has a golf ball on our bookcase to remember that God is so much bigger!
Calvary Wellington Family Camp
Dawn joined a team that went down to Calvary Wellington's family camp. It was good for her to connect with ladies she hadn't seen for two years, when Andrew taught at their family camp in 2016. Amazing how time flies, but the heart connections are still there. The team helped with catering the camp as well as ministering to the children that attended the family camp. Two young ladies that were introduced to Calvary Wellington during the Holiday Program came to family camp and got a good dose of lovin'.
Speakers Week
We had the privilege of hosting the following people at our Speakers Week:
- Fernando Ortiz and his family (Colorado, USA)
- Frank and Tammy Bartsch and their nephew Sterling (Sydney, Australia)
- Charlies Mareu (Fiji)
- Brian Kelly (Calvary Auckland)
- Doug Calhoon (Shoreline Church)
It was great and full of challenging messages where God exhorted us and encouraged us. If you would like to listen to the messages, you can find them at this link: CCBI Speakers Week - November 2018
We are grateful for their willingness to share what the Lord has been teaching them!
Shoreline's Men's Conference
A small team of us went to the Shoreline's Men's Conference to serve. Andrew was part of the worship team, playing bass guitar. Dawn was serving in the kitchen with Tecla and Jordi - the dynamic duo. The men were encouraged, exhorted to press into God, and well fed. If you would like to view any of the teachings, you can find them on the Shoreline Church's Facebook page.
The school came together and celebrated an American holiday. We have staff and students from other countries (Denmark, Fiji, England, Romania) and they also joined in the festivities, some celebrating Thanksgiving for the first time. Turkey was a first for a few of them. There is much to be thankful for and we shared the loves during this time. A big shout out to the kitchen team, the dishes squad, and the decorations crew for making this a special celebration. We are so thankful for you!!
What's coming up:
CCBI NZ is moving at the end of this semester to Te Awamutu. We as a family are moving in January and will be back on campus and in our own flat. We are excited for the things God is doing and look forward to what He has for us. So much is going on and God is so good to meet us where we are at.
Prayer requests:
- Both moves to go smoothly and without any glitches.
- Next semester: God would bring the students and interns He would have be here.
- New staff moving from Australia. Pray for an easy transition and for the move to go well. Pray they acclimate to staff life well.
- Brice, Andrew's Dad, is battling cancer again. Pray for both of Andrew's parents as they walk this road.
- God would continue to direct us and take care of us.
Thank you for taking the time to catch up on what is going on in our world. We appreciate you and pray that God would make His love even more real to you.
Blessings from Aotearoa!
Dawn and Andrew McBride
So glad to hear all God is doing in and through you guys. May your faith and zeal continue to wax strong. May the Lord continue to strengthen you to do his work and may He hear and answer all your prayers and heart desires in Jesus name.