
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. - Romans 12:10-13 (NKJV)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Starting Our Fifth Week

Hello all!
It's hard to see that we are in the fifth week of classes.  It has been moving so fast and so much has been going on.  So much so that I thought you might want an update of what we've been up to.

Classes started during the last week of August and have been going strong ever since.  This semester I have decided to sit in on Hebrews which is taught by Mark Walsh.  Oh. My. Goodness!  I loved Hebrews before.  Now I feel like I am down the rabbit hole as there is so much goodness to chew on for a long while. 

One of the big take aways for me has been about unbelief.  It's not about a lack of knowledge or a lack of faith.  If we step back and look at the Jews that wandered in the wilderness, they had unbelief that God would provide certain things like water, food, etc.  They had just been through some crazy experiences watching God move on their behalf, and yet they lacked belief that He would take care of them after that.  We do that, don't we!?  We have seen God's past faithfulness in our lives and then, when faced with a new difficulty, we wonder will He take care of us again.

"Past times of deliverance are strong pleas for present assistance. What the Lord has done in the past, He will do again, for He never changes. He is faithful to His promises and gracious to His saints. He will not turn away from His people." Charles Spurgeon

I am challenged daily with these questions... do you trust that He will take care of your needs?  Do you trust that He will provide for you?  Going to the Word, I am reminded that He sees and He will take care of my needs.  I don't need to worry about it. 
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
“Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?                                                        Matthew 6:25-27
And we learn that "Therefore" points to what was said before it.  Looking at verse 24, it talks about serving two gods - God and riches.  Okay, Lord, I won't worry about You taking care of my needs because You value me more than the birds of the air which You also take care of.

As you can see, I am really enjoying Hebrews and what I shared is just the tip of the iceberg.  There is so much more.  I could pull out my notes and just share what I've learned with you.  Let me know if you are interested and I may do a blog entry on that class alone.

Andrew is teaching the book of Genesis this semester and seems to really be enjoying it.  I believe he wishes he had more time to teach it like he would like to, but it is taking shape as more of a survey of Genesis.  If you would like to learn more about his take aways, send him an email at and ask him.  I am sure he is more than willing to share them with you.

Every semester we have Outreach Week where we send out teams to various locations for 10 days.  This semester we have outreaches to Fiji, Lower Hutt (NZ), Camp Raglan (NZ), and Camp Kedron (Sydney, Australia).  The teams head out this Friday and we are so excited to see what the Lord is going to do in the teams and through the teams.

Andrew is co-leading the team to Lower Hutt where they will serve at Calvary Wellington's holiday program, which is like a Vacation Bible Study (VBS) in the States.  They will come alongside the program and help with dramas, activities, and engaging the youth that will come out for this program. 

It seems strange to think of a holiday program at this time of the year, but New Zealand does schooling a wee bit different than the US.  The kids will go on a two week break from October 1st through the 12th.  The location this program will be in is a lower income area and the kids seem to have less privileges.  It will be great to see the team love on this kiddos and share how Jesus loves them.

I will be staying back as the Lord has been challenging me to wait.  I was planning on going on one outreach and then my heart was touched by another outreach.  God started sending me the word "wait" over and over again and I didn't understand until it became apparent it was regarding outreach week.  Wait?  I want to go!  It's such a special time of working along side the students and interns.  You really have a special bond after such a time together. 

Awe, Lord.. are You sure You want me to wait and not go?  Wait.  Wait.  Wait.  Even this morning I saw that familiar word again.. Wait.  So I am staying back and taking the time to regroup, replenish, and rest.  I also plan to use that time to craft and even learn some new crafting skills.  I am sure God has a plan, so I am not making any hard and fast plans.

We have a praise report!  We have a home that God has blessed us with.  It is in Taupo, which is 35 minutes from the campus, but it is really quite a gift.  The windows bring in so much sunlight and the deck has a beautiful view.  It is a two bedroom flat that is the top floor of a house that was divided for in-laws.  We are so grateful for this place that God has provided.  I hope to share pictures soon.

  • We need to apply for our next visa which will last for five years.  It comes with a good bit of cost.  Pray for God to take care of the timing and resources needed.
  • Pray for strength and refreshment as living so far away from campus means long days. 
  • Pray for our health as semesters are demanding and we are starting a journey of a more healthy lifestyle (going to the gym and better eating habits).
We love you all and appreciate your love, encouragement, prayers, and support!  Send us a note at We'd love to hear from you.

Blessings and love,
Dawn and Andrew McBride

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful update! May God continue to bless you both, and yes send pics:-)
