
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. - Romans 12:10-13 (NKJV)

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A week of updates - Part 3

Andrew's Thoughts

It is hard to believe that we have been in New Zealand for 8 months.  We just finished our full first semester serving here at Calvary Chapel Bible Institute (CCBI) and I now have a greater understanding of what a whirlwind may be like.  Even though I was only teaching the Gospel of Mark, it seemed that there wasn’t a free moment between the students, staff and communal living.  As I look back at the past months, I am humbled by the ways in which God has worked in and through me.

 In June of this year, the school was on its long break and much of the staff were away on furlough.  Idle time can lead to mind games and the enemy loves idle time.  Over the break I continually dealt with doubt.  Doubt about why I was here, doubt over my abilities, doubt over God using me.  But God used what the enemy set for evil and turned it into good.  God’s word continually washed over me as I read and studied His word.  In Ephesians 1 Paul talks about who we are in Christ.  We are adopted and heirs with Christ, we have been redeemed and forgiven.  Sealed by the Holy Spirit, made alive in Christ and have full access to the Father.  Who am I to doubt the Father and His plans.  I am not alone and He already has it figured out; I need to be obedient to what God has called me to do.

When you first think about being a missionary, you think about the ways that God may use you.  You think about the knowledge that you bring and the ideas you can offer the community and ministry, but we rarely think about how God will grow us during this time.  What does God want us to do?  How is God going to use the community and ministry to challenge and grow us?  What different sides of God’s character are going to be revealed as you minister?  It was a huge growth point for me to remember that just because I am serving God, doesn’t mean God is done growing me.  We can all take that to heart.  We will always be a student of the gospel; we never know it all.  Knowing this helps me be in the right mindset as I minister and am being ministered to by others.

Finally, and definitely not lastly, is the power of prayer.  I am sure you have heard that statement time and time again; it’s almost a cliché.  Seeing firsthand the war that wages on in the hearts and minds of these students and staff… I don’t care if it is a cliché, please be in prayer every day.  Pray for your pastors and leaders, lift them up.  You don’t know the amount and level of arrows that are flung at them by the enemy on a daily basis.  I am convinced more and more that if we do not go to God in prayer constantly and consistently it won’t matter how well you teach, preach, play or write.  It will be powerless and futile.  It will be in your own effort and you will be building your house on the sand.  Soon a storm will come and it will tear down your house.  Please, pray for one another and lift each other up daily.

The Annual CCBI Thanksgiving Meal with students, staff, and elders
of the churches we support on a weekly basis.
I’m sure I could go on for pages and pages but I wanted to keep this somewhat brief.  I would be remiss for not saying “Thank You” for all of your support.  Your prayers are appreciated and your emails and texts are encouraging.  I am truly grateful for the body of Christ, that we are all a part of one hope, one faith and one love.

Andrew B. McBride

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