Learning the ropes is always a time of stretching, an exercise of flexibility, and a journey with God. This was my first full semester at CCBI as registrar and pastoral assistant. Students arrived in late August and the last ones left mid-December. It was full-on just walking with them, encouraging them, praying with them, loving on them, and being with them. The blog posts were few and far between and I hope to adjust that next semester.
I would love to share with you more about this semester. Some key highlights for me:
- Our church family at Shoreline
- Living with and loving on 25 students and 5 interns
- Praying with my Proverbs gals
- Praying with my Friday ladies
- The 4:12 Conference
- Three students getting baptized in the back lake
- Ladies Leadership Retreat
- Andrew speaking at Calvary Wellington’s family camp
Our Church Family at Shoreline
When we arrived in April, we knew we needed to find a church home. Having attended Shoreline in 2014, we wanted to see if our hearts were still drawn there. When we attended our first Sunday this year it was like home. We quickly filled in where needed and easily made friends. So many things have happened in this precious church family since we arrived which draws our heart there even more.
- A new pastor and his family arrived from Uganda. That sounds funny, but they are Americans that were serving in Uganda and God through His mysterious ways drew them here to Shoreline specifically.
- A family in the church had a major loss and we rallied around them with prayer.
- A dear friend is dealing with blood cancer. We love this couple dearly.
- We have made awesome friendships with some of the families.
Now that we have moved even further away, a Sunday service will be an almost two hour drive each way. Our hearts yearn to stay connected with this church family. Pray with us that God will make it clear what He wants us to do. We are willing to go where ever He wants us to go.
Living with 25 students and 5 interns
We shared a flat (apartment) with Cami, the pastoral assistant that was showing me the ropes. Next door was Tecla and her family and then below all of us were the guy students. It quickly became apparent that sounds carried extremely easily. We could hear the guys laughing, playing musical instruments, and even sneezing. The gals lived in a house that was a stone’s throw away. Together, we all would have lunch and dinner at the GAP. Living in community, we get to know each other fairly easily.. the good, the quirks, and the rough edges. Living amongst these students has helped me to grow and love them even more. I wouldn’t trade it for all the kiwi fruit in New Zealand.
We will be living even more closely with the students in the lodge. We are situated in what will become the gals hall and I can already see how close we will become with those students next semester.
Praying with my Proverbs ladies
After the teaching portion of the Proverbs class which was a ladies only class, we broke up into our prayer groups. My group had 4 other gals in it and it was a hoot getting together with such a diverse group.
One of the gals is Noelean who joined CCBI this semester. She is a married mom of three kids. How she can go to Bible school, be a wife, a mother, and English is not her first language… Amazing!!! It has been a pleasure hanging out with her and her family this semester. They are like extended family. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has for Noelean in the coming months.
Another gal was Micah.. one of our Canadian students. She was such a dear gal to get to know. This semester was one of heartache and growth. I saw Micah become more bold in her prayer life and more confident in who she is in Christ. She continues to bless my heart!
The two other gals were such a treasure to walk with, pray with, and love on. They have returned home for their next big adventures. Please pray with us that they all would remember what God has showed them this semester. He loves them so very much!
Praying with my Friday ladies
After guest lectures, we split into guys and gals and then into small prayer groups. This little prayer group was a great time to check in with each other and see how we could pray and support each other.
We had an amazing answer to prayer with JoAnna and her ability to return next semester. We prayed that God would make it clear and even make it okay with all those involved. God went above and beyond what we asked and made the path clear, straight, and easy. I love seeing what He does when we seek Him!
Denali was a gem to get to know. Over this semester I have seen her grow and blossom. Please join us in prayer as she is looking at returning next semester but she is still uncertain. God knows what He has for her and I pray that He makes it clear to her what her next steps are. I love her and am blessed to have known her this semester.
The 4:12 Conference
The 4:12 conference was a full-on conference where we also offered housing through the ranch facilities to the speakers, their families, as well as attendees that wanted to stay close. It was a week-long conference of empowering, equipping, and encouraging believers in their walk. It was a bit crazy and labor intensive but so worth it as many were encouraged in the Lord.
When we are alone in the ministry, we tend to think no one else is going through the same things and feelings. God used this week to bridge that gap and let His kids know that they are not alone. It was a privilege to be a part of that outreach!
Three students getting baptized in the back lake
At the end of the 4:12 conference three of our Bible students got baptized at the back lake. It was a precious time to witness their further proclamation of faith. I can’t wait to see most of them next semester and how God will continue to grow and stretch them.
Ladies Leadership Retreat
During a long weekend, Gwyn, Cami and I, on behalf of CCBI, hosted a retreat for women in leadership at Calvary Chapels around New Zealand. Funny enough, we hosted it at River Lodge, our new home. It was a lovely time of catching up, encouraging one another, and decompressing from the crazy schedules we all have. The worship time led by Cami was intimate and the time together was much needed. We stayed by the fire place the entire weekend. The topic of focus was walking worthy of our God.
“For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you,
and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will
in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord,
fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work
and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might,
according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy;
giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us
to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.“
Colossians 1:9-12
Gwyn, Destiny, and Becky did a great job of sharing how those scriptures were applied in their lives and how we can apply and walk in them ourselves.
Andrew speaking at Calvary Wellington’s family camp
It was such an honor to serve at Calvary Wellington’s family camp this November. We took a team of four students plus Andrew and myself. I served in the crèche (nursery) for two sessions and then was able to join the congregation for two teachings. Our students served in the crèche, children’s ministry, and youth ministry. They did a really great job ministering to the kids!
Andrew was invited to be the keynote speaker and was given all sessions to teach at. I love watching how God takes Andrew out of the box we all put ourselves in and stretches him beyond where he thought he would go. As I sat in the sessions, I loved hearing how he taught authentically from where he was at. He used his musical humor to draw out points. Laughter and chuckles were heard many times that weekend.
It was such an awesome opportunity to love on the women, those mums that were exhausted, the gals that were weary, and the church family as they came to unwind. I loved praying with those ladies and hugging on them. Pray for Calvary Wellington to be strengthen by His might and encouraged to continue walking the walk!
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It must be a pastor thing.. that is Pastor David jumping to be in the photo. |
Now we are at the end of the year decompression. We are settling into our room and finding creative storage solutions. We are reminded that life is but a vapor. What are you holding on to or what is holding on to you that is hindering you, slowing you down? We are exhorted to:
“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..”
Hebrews 12:1
We love you and are extremely grateful for what God is doing in you, through you, and for you! May you continue to seek Him this next year and as He has promised.. when you seek Him with all of your heart, you will find Him.
Much love and lots of hugs,
Dawn McBride
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