
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. - Romans 12:10-13 (NKJV)

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Full On

It’s been a whirlwind since our last update and time is passing so quickly!  We are full on in school and the students leave tomorrow for outreach week.  There are four teams going out and we couldn’t be more excited to see how the Lord will use them and move in their lives as they serve the church body and communities.  

We have a team heading to the South Island and will be helping two churches.  Another team will be staying on the North Island and serving in Hamilton and then at two churches in Auckland.  One team will be heading to Melbourne, Australia and another team will be heading to Sydney, Australia.  Please join us in prayer as we seek God’s blessings on them.  

We usually see a highly impactful time in the students’ lives while they serve during this week; a lot of heart work and usually some hard work.  May God be glorified in their lives and through through their actions.

Dawn seems to be drinking water from a fire hose lately with the start of school.  There are so many details to take care of for the administrative side of the school and then manage to make time to love on the students.  We are starting life in a new location and it has been challenging to learn what life needs to look like here.  These growing pains are necessary and God uses them to chisel off more and more sharp edges, maybe in areas we didn’t even know we had.

The ladies are coming together on Monday nights to go through a Bible study with Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow.  It has been a great time of fellowship, getting together to chat about what is going on our hearts, and enjoy coffee/tea and baked goods.  The time seems so dear as we start with a time of worship and then share what touched our hearts in the chapter of the week.  I am really enjoying this time of hearing what God is showing each of us.  Pray for our ladies to be united and available for the Lord to move mightily in their hearts and minds.

The guys get together on Monday nights as well and study through the Pastoral Epistles.  Andrew is leading the charge on this study and he sees a variety of students each week.  I can’t wait to see what comes of their study of God’s call to leadership.  I anticipate the Lord using this Bible study to confirm for some of the guys the calling He has on their lives.

It’s time for us to get our visas again.  Andrew was able to submit his application online and not have to send in his passport, which is pretty nifty.  We hope to hear back from NZ immigration towards the end of this month.  There has been a small snag in Dawn's application, but we hope to have a solution that NZ immigration will accept.  We will re-mail her application packet next week and would love for you to join us in prayer.   

We have created a prayer calendar for March.  If you would like to receive it, please let us know by emailing us at:

We love you guys and appreciate you and we would love to hear from you!  Send us a note at:

Don't forget to view our praise reports and prayer requests on the right column of this blog.   :0)

Until the next update.. much love and lots of hugs,

Dawn and Andrew

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