
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. - Romans 12:10-13 (NKJV)

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Thoughts Have Power

Thoughts have power.  Recently I prayed that God would help me to capture negative thoughts that threatened me.  I was becoming overwhelmed with the negative possibilities and not remembering Who held my life in His hands.  Much like the foxes that spoil the vine, I asked for help to capture those negative thoughts and silence them… to put them into a sound proof cage where they could no longer wage war on my mind.  I needed to squelch them with the truth of God’s Word, because nothing else truly silences them.  I can busy myself with music, reading, hanging out with people… but those crazy negative nillies will still nip at my heels. 

Getting into the truth of His Word is where I can be truly set free; believing what He says, since He is the King of kings and spoke the world into existence.  He has the ultimate power… not those negative thoughts that threaten me... threaten my joy and my peace.  Whom will I believe?  Will I believe the defeated foe or the Creator?  Again, going back to what the Word says, there is power to silence the enemy of my heart.

If my thoughts, if our thoughts, go unchecked, they can ruin a most blessed thing.  The Lord was specific in His Word about thoughts.  When thoughts come in and rise up against the truth, we need to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).  Here is another way to view thoughts… much like mice, we see one and it’s slightly alarming and we buy a trap.  If we leave the trap alone and don’t check it to see if we have caught that mouse, that little critter will quickly have a family and the multiplying will continue.  Those mice will cause an infestation which will take much more time and effort to take care of.  Be quick to take care of that negative thought so that your thoughts for the next ten minutes, afternoon, or day don’t become infested with other negative thoughts.

Our thoughts have power – positive and negative.  Watch out to not let your thoughts camp out on the negative.  As you think negative thoughts over and over, you are creating a worn path that can be difficult to get off of… a rut in the road.  There is power in the living Word of God.  Every day challenge yourself to read that living Word, the Bible.  Yet, don’t just read it.  Ask the Lord to show you something from what you just read and then ponder about it throughout the day.  It will amaze you how He will feed you.  Those negative thoughts will become smaller and smaller, and even fade away.

If you are battling negative thoughts, take a time out and reset your mind.  Take time in the Bible.  Take time talking to God.  He will help you overcome those negative nillies, but you have to take the action and seek the change.  He is right there to help you.  I know because He helped me.  He is so trustworthy!

Cheers.... Dawn


We moved in with the pastoral assistant, Cami, while the school is on break.  This helps both sides with the cost of living.  She is a smart young woman and pleasant to hang out with. 

We bought a small car that we have named Betty.  She is a Mazda Verisa and looks to only be available in Japan.  She was imported as a previously owned vehicle and has got some great zoom to her.  We are getting more than 30 mpg in mixed conditions.  There is no way for cruise control to work here except for the toll way since there are so many turns, roundabouts, and such.  With that in mind, 30+ mpg is pretty great!

We are still acclimating to life here in New Zealand.  Dawn has been having fun learning the lingo and vocabulary.  If you are not on Facebook and would like her to send some of them your way, send her an email at  One such question was “What are sunnies?”

We are getting more and more into our roles for the next semester.  Andrew will be teaching about the Gospel of Mark as well as taking care of the AV and IT needs.  Dawn will continue to learn the pastoral assistant role with Cami.  There is much to take in and remember.  With school on break, we have had the opportunity to rest and get into a groove.

Dawn had the opportunity to go the Calvary Chapel Hamilton’s women’s retreat at Waihi Beach.  It was a great time of teaching and meeting new friends.  The theme of the weekend was the full armor of God.  From the write up above, you can see that Dawn got fired up again.  It was a great weekend and she is still review her notes.

Andrew attended the Calvary Chapel Hamilton men’s breakfast with the leadership team from CCBI.  There were roughly 30 men in attendance in a café just outside of Hamilton.  It was a great time of fellowship and getting to hear what is on the heart of Tom and Sam as they head with their families to Nepal.  They will be serving initially at a Bible college in Kathmandu. 
CCBI hosted their first youth conference - Ignite.  From the looks of it, CCBI will do it again with the hopes of it growing.  Two speakers were brought in from the States and a youth group for Calvary Chapel Wellington was in attendance.  Small but mighty, this youth conference was a great start of things to come.

Thank you for checking in and seeing how we are doing!  We love you and appreciate more than you know!  

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