
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. - Romans 12:10-13 (NKJV)

Sunday, September 7, 2014


We have arrived at CCBI and look forward to seeing what God shows us here. We have spent the weekend with the students and some leadership and have learned much. We will join some of the classes this week and serve as requested. They would like us to see what life is like here at CCBI.

We visited Shoreline Church today and got to meet some really neat people. Dave Heitman and his crew are doing a fantastic job of reaching out to the community and sharing the love of Christ.

I must admit it has been really challenging not sharing my thoughts and observations with Andrew. We each are keeping separate journals which is a fantastic idea, but very hard not to share with my best friend the things that God is showing me.  Once we board the flight back home on Saturday we will each share our journals, thoughts, ideas and chatter nonstop. It will be great to catch up with him again. I didn't take into consideration how hard this part would be in that we can't share much with each other right now. Why? You ask. The purpose of keeping separate journals is so that we do not cloud the judgment of the other person. We want God to make it clear to both of us where He wants us to be.

I am learning so much about the Kiwi culture and one of the biggest things than runs deep and affects all aspects of life and ministry is relationships. Nothing moves forward without it. Trust is formulated and strengthened in relationship which really is a beautiful thing! Sandy at Shoreline was sharing a bit of his desire for the men's group- to become a band of brothers or a brotherhood, such camaraderie is admirable and yet a need here in order for ministry to be as impactful as desired.

Well, I am pooped.  I look forward to sharing more later!
Much love to you,

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