Surviving the Camp outreach was pretty cool. I am so glad I went and I wouldn't trade it for the world. To see so many young people make a choice that will change their lives... to love on girls that have an unsure or unhappy home life... to encourage girls to know who they are in Christ... PRICELESS!
Sunset from the girls dorm area |
A key thought was dying to myself.. dying to my needs.. dying to what I want.. I had to. It was a full on, over-the-top experience and I am exhausted. I am still recovering as you can tell by my writing style.
Our team minus two littles who left early for a family event. |
Sleepless nights left me exhausted, in tears, and sick on Thursday. The camp staff rallied around me and I felt well cared for. After moving the little lady in the top bunk above me to another bunk, my nights of sleep became better.. little by little.
Volcano competition - our team did so well!! |
I will never forget those 8 little lives. They have left footprints on my heart forever. I am still so very grateful for my helper... my junior leader... who was there to help me understand the ways of camp life and guide me through. She was a soft place for the girls to land, a friend and sister they could turn to. I am praying for her as well, dear Ms. B-L.
My Junior Leader |
You would have loved this campus. I was telling one of the other leaders, from an American perspective, this place is a lawsuit waiting to happen. I was quite surprised by the adventures that were offered to kids both young and not so young. No safety nets on the confidence course.. then again.. would it denote confidence if you have a net to catch you? Amazing campus!! The boys at CA in Colorado would LOOOOOOVE this place.
Two of the littles from my team - laughter and smiles! |
I just have to brag on God for a bit. I had no time to do my back exercises... and then when I could make time, I was too tired to care. The lights were out, my girls were asleep and I was exhausted. Sleep was more important than anything else at that point... okay, except a shower every so often. Thank You, Lord, for holding my back together and making it a relatively pain free week!! To You goes all the glory! Another little miracle... I was served some soy ice cream (I'm allergic to soy products) and I didn't know it. I usually react within 15 minutes of eating soy products but nothing. When I realized it was soy.. I didn't have anymore. Thank You, Lord, for protecting this body from reactions to food that would have made an already interesting experience.. even more interesting.
I couldn't pass up this photo with one my littles. |
There are many more little miracles that He did for me. I feel so amazingly cared for by our Awesome God, who took care of the details that could have easily spoiled the week for me. Warfare was high, but the payoff even higher! I love all of the aunties and uncles I met this past week and pray for the Lord to bless them and encourage them on their journeys.
Another one of the littles on my team. Love her much! |
So, I am back at school and wrapping my mind around my role here again. I have songs from camp that come to mind from time to time and I may even do the hand motions with the songs. I still have the three memory verses we learned on the tip of my tongue:
Proverbs 23:26 My son, give me your heart and let your eyes keep to My ways.
John 2:5 Whatever He says to you, do it!
Proverbs 4:27 Don't get sidetracked and keep your feet from following evil.
(oh goody.. 5 lollies for me) :0)
What an outreach.. but I am so glad I went!! So many memories, more than I can share here. Would you join me in praying for the littles on my team that have yet to receive Jesus as their Savior? God knows their names and their hearts.
"Yes, and if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all." Philippians 2:17
Onward and upwards, all for His glory!
Love to you,
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