
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. - Romans 12:10-13 (NKJV)

Friday, December 1, 2017

A quick update from Andrew

We are closing out the current semester next week and it is always great to see God work in the lives of the students.  Almost all of them are coming back next semester along with a bunch of new students.  

A past student from CCBI, Charles, is pastoring in Fiji and we have been able to continue to assist him with ministering to the community.  Charles has been such a faithful servant that we are looking forward to two students that will be coming from Fiji that he has poured into.  Please pray for financial assistance for the students as well as favour on getting their passports, visas and paperwork.

Lusi and Akuila from Fiji
Next semester we (CCBI) are looking at expanding our outreaches to the island nation of Tuvalu.  Another past CCBI student ministers in a church in Auckland that consists of Tuvaluians.  We will be partnering with his church on an exploratory outing in late February 2018.  I (Andrew) will be one of the members going on this trip to see what the Lord has for us (CCBI) in Tuvalu for future ministry.

There are so many ways that the Lord is working here and we feel blessed and humbled to be a part of it.  The next semester is probably going to be filled with the most students we have ever had, with the most staff we have ever had, and with a greater emphasis on missions and church planting than in the past.  Please lift up all of these things in your prayers and that we would be able to rest in Him over the upcoming break. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey of serving God in the land of the Long White Cloud.  More updates to come after the semester ends.


For more information about prayer requests and such, please check out the right column our blog:

December 2017 Prayer Calendar

Hello family and friends!
Please see our December 2017 prayer calendar.  We love you and appreciate your support!  If you would like a PDF of this calendar, please email us at

Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Andrew and Dawn McBride

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Prayer Calendar for November 2017

Hello all,
Please see our prayer calendar for November 2017.  Please let me know if you would like a PDF version of it at our email address:

Thank you and God bless!
Dawn and Andrew

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Long Weekend - Much Needed Rest

Hello family and friends,
This semester has been fantastic, but fantastic comes at a cost... sometimes sanity, sometimes energy, sometimes both.  We are in the midst of what we call Long Weekend, where we send the students off for a four day weekend (Friday through Monday). 

Andrew and I took the opportunity to have a staycation.  The campus has been our home base and we have been been going out to different towns for the day.  Friday we played in Rotorua and visited Okere Falls Cafe, Okere Falls, and the Redwood Forest.  Beautiful sites and the ears were delighted with the sounds of nature.  We found a new little path at Okere Falls and were sweetly surprised by another water fall.  I love the little surprises we find when we are willing to step aside from the known into the uncertain.

Saturday, we enjoyed the day in and around Taupo.  We started our day at the Gypsy Fair with delicious sites, images you would imagine in a movie.  A high-wire walking dog, a one man band in his own posh trailer concert hall, a pirate helping children with tattoos, tie-dye galore, glass art, homes on wheels, and a variety of goodies for the tummy.  We just meandered through taking in the sights.

We then headed over to the Taupo market which was hustling and bustling.  I personally was looking for the potato twister booth, but they weren't there.  People were selling their wares.. a great place to buy gifts .. hand made soaps, quilts, wood working, and the like.  There were a lot of booths but none of them really caught our attention. 

Having not eaten yet, and nothing grabbing our attention, we decided to head back to the central business district to find something that would tempt us to eat.  We looked at a few places but ended up at Paulys.. this really yummy burger joint.  I ate a delicious burger made of venison and pork with plum sauce, mayo, and rum raisins.  My oh my, my taste buds were singing.  Once I picked up that burger, there was no setting it down again.  It was so yummy and I couldn't finish my chips (fries).  What??  Me never finish chips?  Say it isn't so.  It's true.  You can ask Andrew.  It was delicious and I would get it again as a specialty item once in a while.  Delicious!  #paulysdiner

Once our tummies were satisfied, we headed to the trails.  We ended up at Wairakei Natural Thermal Valley and enjoyed a little trek into the valley.  We were issued a temperature radar gun sort of tool so we could see how hot the steam was at different locations in the valley.  The hottest steam Andrew registered was just over 180 degrees Fahrenheit.  Wowsers!  Do not go through this place barefoot (as many Kiwi enjoy doing).  We checked the ground at a few places and the hottest registered in the 90s.  After our trek through the valley, we enjoyed a nice cold beverage and watched the peacocks, chickens, and other roaming birds. 

Today, we headed to church where Andrew played bass with the worship team and I helped set up the kitchen for the tea (drinks and cookies) after church.  Pastor Doug delivered a great message from John 10 about the sheep and how they hear their shepherd's voice.  I love how God reiterates how no one can snatch His sheep out of His hands, nor Jesus' hands.  His sheep are safe and can relish in the fact that they are secure.

Tomorrow, the students will return and we will be in the downhill race towards the end of the semester.  Only seven weeks left and we have a very full calendar.  Our next big activity is Speakers Week which is November 6th - 10th.  It will be an all hands on deck kind of week for the staff and interns and an amazing time for the students to listen to different pastors and ministry leaders from all over the world.  Speakers are coming from Japan, Australia, the US, and NZ.  I am so excited to put faces with the names of many of these ministry leaders as we pray for many of them at our weekly prayer meetings.  Please join us in praying that God uses Speakers Week in a mighty way.

Please join us in prayer regarding the following:
- Speakers Week - November 6th - 10th
     + Safe travels for the speakers and provision for their needs
     + Open hearts and minds for what God wants to do
- Men's conference - November 10th and 11th
     + Some of our students will be attending: pray for open hearts and a
        willingness to change
     + Some of our staff will be serving: strength and energy to serve the Lord and
        the men well
- Students, interns, and staff to press in and not give in to apathy or tiredness
     + The best is yet to come, let's not give up!

We love you and thank you for joining us on this crazy and amazing journey that God has brought us to.  There is no place like being in the saddle of ministry and holding on to Jesus for life and energy. 

The Lord bless you and keep you!
Dawn and Andrew

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Life After Camp - Outreach Week

Surviving the Camp outreach was pretty cool.  I am so glad I went and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  To see so many young people make a choice that will change their lives... to love on girls that have an unsure or unhappy home life... to encourage girls to know who they are in Christ... PRICELESS!

Sunset from the girls dorm area
A key thought was dying to myself.. dying to my needs.. dying to what I want.. I had to.  It was a full on, over-the-top experience and I am exhausted.  I am still recovering as you can tell by my writing style.

Our team minus two littles who left early for a family event.
Sleepless nights left me exhausted, in tears, and sick on Thursday.  The camp staff rallied around me and I felt well cared for.  After moving the little lady in the top bunk above me to another bunk, my nights of sleep became better.. little by little.

Volcano competition - our team did so well!!
I will never forget those 8 little lives.  They have left footprints on my heart forever.  I am still so very grateful for my helper... my junior leader... who was there to help me understand the ways of camp life and guide me through.  She was a soft place for the girls to land, a friend and sister they could turn to.  I am praying for her as well, dear Ms. B-L.

My Junior Leader
You would have loved this campus.  I was telling one of the other leaders, from an American perspective, this place is a lawsuit waiting to happen.  I was quite surprised by the adventures that were offered to kids both young and not so young.  No safety nets on the confidence course.. then again.. would it denote confidence if you have a net to catch you?  Amazing campus!!  The boys at CA in Colorado would LOOOOOOVE this place.

Two of the littles from my team - laughter and smiles!
I just have to brag on God for a bit.  I had no time to do my back exercises... and then when I could make time, I was too tired to care.  The lights were out, my girls were asleep and I was exhausted.  Sleep was more important than anything else at that point... okay, except a shower every so often.  Thank You, Lord, for holding my back together and making it a relatively pain free week!!  To You goes all the glory!  Another little miracle... I was served some soy ice cream (I'm allergic to soy products) and I didn't know it.  I usually react within 15 minutes of eating soy products but nothing.  When I realized it was soy.. I didn't have anymore.  Thank You, Lord, for protecting this body from reactions to food that would have made an already interesting experience.. even more interesting. 

I couldn't pass up this photo with one my littles.
There are many more little miracles that He did for me.  I feel so amazingly cared for by our Awesome God, who took care of the details that could have easily spoiled the week for me.  Warfare was high, but the payoff even higher!  I love all of the aunties and uncles I met this past week and pray for the Lord to bless them and encourage them on their journeys.

Another one of the littles on my team.  Love her much!
So, I am back at school and wrapping my mind around my role here again.  I have songs from camp that come to mind from time to time and I may even do the hand motions with the songs.  I still have the three memory verses we learned on the tip of my tongue:

Proverbs 23:26 My son, give me your heart and let your eyes keep to My ways.
John 2:5 Whatever He says to you, do it!
Proverbs 4:27 Don't get sidetracked and keep your feet from following evil.
(oh goody.. 5 lollies for me)   :0)

What an outreach.. but I am so glad I went!!  So many memories, more than I can share here.  Would you join me in praying for the littles on my team that have yet to receive Jesus as their Savior?  God knows their names and their hearts. 

"Yes, and if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all." Philippians 2:17

Onward and upwards, all for His glory!
Love to you,

Monday, October 2, 2017

Gleanings from Philippians 1:10

Notes from my study on Philippians 1:10

10: that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ,

Approve -> to test, prove, scrutinize (to see whether a thing is genuine or not), to recognize as genuine after examination, deem worthy

The things that are excellent -> to test, prove, the good things that differ, to distinguish between good and evil, lawful and unlawful, to approve of things that excel, surpass one

Sincere -> without falsity, pure, found pure when unfolded and examined by the sun's light

The Romans loved statues and sometimes when a statue was being made, a little piece of the stone would break off.  Rather than throwing the whole thing away just because the tip of the nose broke off, they became very adept at mixing marble powder with wax and patching it.  This worked fine until the statue was exposed to heat.  On a hot day the wax would just melt right down the side of the statue.  Those statues that were made without wax were more expensive and would have a sign on them that read, sincerus (sine cera), meaning “judged in the brightness of the sun”.  This is what Paul was praying for the Philippians, that their faith would hold together in the heat under close scrutiny.  That their relationship with God would be sincerely real.  What a great prayer to pray for someone.  Chuck Smith said, “I would love for people to pray that I would be sincere and without offense until the day of Christ”. (From Chuck Smith's commentary in the Word for Today Bible)

Without offense -> not causing to stumble, metaph. of not leading others to sin by one's mode of life, blameless; oven tested (Boice)

Our lives must be open before God and before others.  There must be no hypocrisy.

2 Corinthians 4:2 "But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God."

Till day of Christ -> of the last day of this present age, the day Christ will return from heaven

Praise the Lord that He never gives up on us!  He has promised to never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6).

More to come!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Gleanings from Philippians 1:9

Here are my notes from verse 9 of Philippians 1

9: And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment..

Love -> agape: brotherly love, good will

“Brotherly love is not a matter of mere sentimentality; it is love in the truth. This calls for study of the Word of God in order that one may know just how to manifest that love according to each particular occasion.” Ironside

The Philippians had a lot of love, and they showed it to Paul. Yet Paul didn’t hesitate to pray that their love would abound still more and more. It doesn’t matter how much love for others we have; we can still have more! (Guzik)

“That it (love) may be like a river, perpetually fed with rain and fresh streams so that it continues to swell and increase until it fills all its banks, and floods the adjacent plains.” (Clarke) – Visual – like the farms we see here.. overflowing

Abound -> exceed a fixed number of measure, in abundance

Still -> even greater, further

More -> to a greater degree, sooner, more readily, more willingly

Knowledge -> precise and correct knowledge, full discernment (used in the NT of the knowledge of things ethical and divine)

Advanced spiritual knowledge – In the NT this word is applied only to spiritual things – to the knowledge of God, religious knowledge, spiritual knowledge, and doctrinal knowledge.  It is a knowledge that comes to the Christian through a study of God’s Word. (Boice)

Discernment -> moral discernment, the understanding in ethical matters
     - Don’t be passive in your knowledge and discernment
     - That in having this precise and correct knowledge and moral discernment, we would grow above and beyond the world’s expectation and measurement of love
     - “Understanding given by the Holy Spirit” (Boice) – The Holy Spirit enables us to discern how love should operate
     - In classical Greek, discern refers to testing someone or something.  It is the technical word for testing money to determine whether or not it is counterfeit.  It occurs in a political context for the testing of a candidate for office.

Prayer: This is as it should be – that we pray for one another.
Philippians 1:4 "always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy..."
Colossians 4:2 "Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving"
Ephesians 6:18 "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication (entreaty-petition, asking) for all the saints..."
Romans 12:12 "Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer..."

This will change us if we do it.  It will change our relationship to other Christians.  God increases the fellowship by changing you.  Prayer will draw you to other Christians so you will pray jointly for mutual concerns.

Acts 2:42 "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."

Pray specifically and constantly for one another.

More to come....

Monday, September 18, 2017

Gleanings from Philippians 1:8

Here are some of my (Dawn) study notes from Philippians 1:8-18.  I will break it down one verse at a time.

Verse 8: For God is my witness, how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ.

Witness -> record, one who is a spectator of something

Romans 9:1 gives another example of Paul calling on God to be his witness: “I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit.”

Long for -> to yearn, earnestly desire, to pursue with love

Another example of Paul's heart: 1 Thessalonians 2:8 “So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.”

Adam Clarke paraphrased Paul’s idea here: “I call God to witness that I have the strongest affection for you, and that I love you with that same kind of tender concern with which Christ loved the world when He gave Himself for it.”

You all -> each and every one of you

In the day of this letter, there were many divisions of people: race, wealth, education, and culture.  There were no bridges for fellowship.  Each group was separate from the others.  There was no fellowship or a brotherhood that joined them.  Christianity was the first and only to bridge the gaps between the groupings.  The Christians were known by their love for one another.  Remember - Lydia, slave, jailor – all very different groupings of life.

Affection -> bowels: the bowels were regarded as the seat of the more violent passions, such as anger and love; but by the Hebrews it is known as the seat of the tenderer affections, esp. kindness, benevolence, compassion; hence our heart (tender mercies, affections, etc.).

Paul’s .. “interest in the saints at Philippi did not cease with his leaving their city.  Through all the years that had passed he had borne them on his heart, and presented them to God in prayer.” Ironside

“The Lord always looks at His people as they will be when they are done” author unknown – It would be well with us if we could look at our brothers and sister in the same way (Ironside) – It would benefit us if others did the same for us as they can see our imperfections.

A painter has an image in his head of the end result.  He starts painting the base of the image with grays and tans. A friend steps into the work area and the painter asks his friend what he thinks of the paint.  He friend sees the drabness of the grays and tans. The painter smiles and knows what it will look like in the end.

It is not just enough to tolerate other Christians.  You must enjoy their company.  You must learn from them.  Furthermore, this fellowship must be one that is constantly expanding to include other Christians, even those whom you have never met but with whom you are forever united in the Lord.  (Boice)

Look at Romans 16:21 -> for an example of the crossover of groupings, cultures, levels, etc.

Timothy: a resident of Lystra (within Galatia), apparently, whose father was a Greek and mother a Jewess; he was Paul's travelling companion and fellow labourer

Lucius: a man from Cyrene (current day Libya, Africa) who was a prophet and a teacher of the church in Antioch

Jason: a Thessalonian (Macedonia – current day Greece) who entertained Paul and Silas, and could be Paul’s cousin

Sosipater: fellow tribesman of Paul (Achia, Greece)

I used a few commentaries by the following authors: Boice and Ironside.

More to come!!
Much love,

Monday, September 11, 2017

Amazing times

Hi friends and family,
It simply amazes me how quickly time flies.  Here we are starting our third week of classes and it's been how long since our last entry?  Wowsers!  Here is a quick update of what we are up to:

Andrew is teaching the Wisdom of Solomon class which covers Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes.  As usual, he is behind the scenes managing the AV area and helping out with vehicles.  On Thursday he plays bass at our Thursday night church service (Koinonia) at CCBI.

Andrew also plays he plays bass at Shoreline Church in Tauranga and helps out with their sound system as needed.  He is a huge blessing to that congregation and when he is not there, he is greatly missed.  I love watching him minister there to that special church family.

Andrew has just started a very special project with some students regarding church planting and I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned.  This is the second semester it has been on his heart and he knocked on the door and 10 or so students/interns/staff have stepped forward showing interest in NZ church planting.  The Lord is stirring hearts!

I (Dawn) was going to teach English Composition this semester but bowed out because I wasn't ready and I didn't want to give a mediocre class to the students that signed up.  Dismayed about letting the students down by cancelling the class, I really took into consideration what would be impacted by keeping the class going.  The costs far outweighed the benefit so I made the hard decision to postpone the class.  Now that I have a textbook, I can better plan for a future semester, whether it next semester or beyond.  I am learning to count the cost.

"For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it.."                    Luke 14:28

I (Dawn) am still serving in the registration role as well as pastoral assistant, but now have a sidekick - Annie!!  She is awesome... like a younger version of myself - but not quite as quirky as me.. which is a huge benefit for her.  We have many of the same tendencies and I love that we speak the same admin language - crazy busy-ness.  We LOVE to be busy.  Yes, it is more like an illness, but we love it.  Letting go of my precious projects is proving a bit trying for me, but I know Annie is a capable.  I just need to let go and let her fly.  Learning.. I am always learning.

I (Dawn) have the chance to teach at the ladies class on Philippians.  I am loving this class so very much!  Paul loved the church in Philippi and to share about his heart and what he went through has been challenging and a blessing.  I will share more about this in a future update.

I (Dawn) have also been growing in a completely different area.  Pastor Doug at Shoreline has invited me to join the worship team.  Oh wow!!  Jittery nerves and knocking knees, I sing with him.  I find I really sing well when I focus in on my Audience of One.  He is why I am there in the first place.  He is the One that I am singing too.  Ignore the Facebook-Live cam.  Phase out the congregation.  Sing to Him.  Lift your eyes to Him.  Let Him see your heart as you sing.  Oh the joy when my heart and eyes are fixed on Him.  So I have a huge growth opportunity there.  It's never a dull moment.

Outreach week is coming up.  We covet your prayers for our teams:
- Fiji Outreach to the slums and then a children's outreach at Moturiki Island.  Leaders are Jordi and Austin.
- Melbourne Outreach to support Calvary Melbourne and serve at their family camp.  Leader is Andrew.
- Wellington Outreach to be a part of Calvary Wellington's VBS that reaches out to the Lower Hutt community.  Leaders are Manny and Vickie.
- Tauranga Outreach to reach out to the community through Shoreline Church.  Leaders are Jen and Alyssa.
- Camp Raglan Outreach to assist in leadership roles at Camp Raglan.  Leaders are Clint, Mackenzie, and Dawn.

Each team has a unique focus.  Our prayer requests for outreach week would be:
- God to work mightily through us and be glorified
- Team unity
- Safe travels
- Healthy teams (no sickness or injury)
- Provision for our needs

Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy update.  We love you and appreciate you joining us on this journey of faithfulness.

Hugs and much love,
Dawn and Andrew McBride

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Prayer Calendar - September 2017

Hello all!!
Please see our prayer calendar.  So sorry it is a bit late.  School is in full swing and I am catching up.  If you would like to receive a PDF version of this calendar, please send us an email at

Thank you for praying with us and for us!
Dawn and Andrew McBride

Monday, July 31, 2017

August Prayer Calendar

Hi there,
Here is our August prayer calendar.  If you would like a PDF of this calendar, please email us at
Thank you for praying with us!
Dawn and Andrew McBride

Personal Reflection: Thy Will Be Done

I was working out at the gym and listening to Al Pittman's sermon on "The Reason for Our Peace".  At the end of his sermon, he shared a video with the congregation of the song, "Thy Will" by Hillary Scott.  I've heard this song before, but the words just smacked me in the face this time. 

I'm sitting there trying to work on my arms and tears are flowing down my cheeks.  This song had me crying while lifting weights. What was it about this song that touched my heart so powerfully?

"I'm so confused... I know I heard You loud and clear, 
so I followed through.  Somehow I ended up here."

Ohhh, yes, now I know.  There was a time I felt certain of something the Lord had showed me.  Why does it hurt?  

"I don't want to think.  I may never understand that 
my broken heart is part of Your plan."

Yes, it does hurt!  The unfulfilled part of my dream, my heart, and my hope.  I wish it didn't hurt so much, but I know, He has something coming.

"When I try to pray all I got is hurt and these four words: 
Thy will be done!"

Hear the cry of my heart, Lord!  I want Your will more than my own.  I want Your will to be accomplished in my life. 

"I know You're good, but this don't feel good right now.  
And I know You think of things I could never think about."

Yes, I know You are good and Your Word says that Your thoughts are not my thoughts.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

"It's hard to count it all joy, distracted by the noise.  
Just trying to make sense of all Your promises."

Man alive.. the noise in my heart and my mind... the questions, the fears, the doubts.. Did I really hear Him?

"Sometimes I gotta stop, remember that You're God and I am not."

Lord, You know all!  You see all.  Your view of life is so much grander than I can even imagine.  You are God.  I am not.  You are in control.  I am not.  You created this world.  I did not.  You know the numbers of hairs on my head.  I do not.

"So, Thy will be done.  Thy will be done.  Thy will be done.  
Like a child on my knees, all that comes to me is Thy will be done.  
Thy will be done!"

Father, I yield to You!  May Your will, more than my will, be done!  I need You more than anything else!

"I know You see me.  I know You hear me, Lord.
Your plans are for me; goodness, You have in store."

Jesus, You hear me (1 John 5:14).  Father, You see where I am at (Genesis 16:13).  I know Your plans are for my good and not evil ("For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11)

I was reminded today that God will touch your heart when you least expect it. Let me encourage you to let Him touch your heart.  Let Him touch those areas of your heart that are so tender.. that you want to protect.  

Are you afraid of what He will say?  Of what He will do?  Are you waiting for unfulfilled dreams and hopes to come to pass?  Take a step and trust Him.. He is so worthy of our trust!!

Here is the link to the song if you would like to listen to it: Thy Will by Hillary Scott

Much love from us!
Dawn and Andrew

Saturday, July 15, 2017

What have we been up to?

Hello all!
Can it really be July already?  Where is the summer going?  It is actually winter here in New Zealand which means it’s rainy and chilly, compared to winter in Colorado, this isn’t so bad.  The difference is that the chilliness gets into your bones and warming my feet on a hot water bottle is the main thing that helps.  That water bottle is also a great hand warmer as well!

What have we been up to?  School ended in May and we spent roughly half of June in Perth, Australia.  Pastor Darryl and Lorelle were awesome hosts!  We went there to serve them, but we came away feeling served.  It was a blessing to watch this couple minister to their family and church family.

While there we visited Cathy in the hospital twice.  She is will soon be greeting Jesus face to face.  Please pray for her and Bruce, her husband, as this is a difficult time for them.  He has been by her side through all of the trials she has been through.  Their son and his wife just had a little baby boy and I am sure this is adding to this amazing time for this precious family.

Andrew had the opportunity to preach at Calvary Perth both Sundays we were there.  The first sermon was on Luke 15:11-32 which talks about a father and his two sons.  Here is the link to his teaching if you are interested:  The second sermon was on Psalm 23 about us as sheep.  Here is the in link if you are interested in hearing this sermon: I really enjoyed watching Andrew teach from his perspective and sense of humor.


I had the opportunity to share my testimony at the Calvary Perth ladies Bible study.  Being the youngest in the group, I wondered how my life story would connect with these ladies, but God always has a plan.  Some of them could relate personally or have a daughter that is going through what I have been through.  May they be encouraged that as they or their daughters turn to God and allow Him to have His way, life can be so very different.

Darryl and Lorelle treated us to a few of the beautiful sites in Perth including King’s Park, which is across the river from downtown Perth.  This huge park has a few memorials and one that was quite interesting was the whispering wall.  Lorelle sat at one end of the half circle and I sat that the other end.  She whispered and it sounded like she was right next to me.  It was so much fun!

We also went to Caversham Wildlife Park where we had the opportunity to touch a koala and a wombat, plus feed kangaroos.  What a great experience to be so up close to these creatures.  I even got to see a kookaburra bird that I used to sing about in elementary school.  You know the song… kookaburra sits in the old gum tree.. A gum tree is also known as a eucalyptus tree.  Too fun to connect the dots!


They took us to one of their favorite spots to see wild dolphins in the canals of a neighborhood.  It was such a blessing to see these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat.  I even captured some video of them swimming right below me.  The pelicans were wise to follow the dolphins as where they were at, so were the fish.

Of course, life isn’t really lived until you’ve had a good barbie!  They cooked up snaggers (sausages) and grilled veggies.  They made sure we were well fed and watered.  :o)  Darryl celebrated a milestone birthday while we were there and we were able to treat him and Lorelle to a dinner out.  These are special people and we love them dearly!  You see, Darryl just finished his radiation treatments and will know more in the coming weeks if the medicine did its work.  He was on the go as though he had no troubles at all while we were there.  God bless you, dear sir!  You are in our prayers!!!

As it is mid-July, we are ramping up for next semester.  Andrew will be teaching the Wisdom of Solomon which covers Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.  He is also praying about teaching Fundamentals of Worship Leading.  I will be team teaching Philippians with the ladies on staff as well as teaching English Composition.  I am loving studying Philippians as it reveals Paul’s heart for the church of Philippi.  What a great teacher he was and is!

Recently we were notified that Andrew’s dad (Brice) has non-Hodgkins lymphoma.  Andrew will be going home to Minnesota in early August for about two weeks.  He wants to spend time with his folks and help out where he can.  Brice will have just completed his first round of treatment and we would appreciate your prayers.  Andrew’s mom is doing a great job taking care of Brice, but as many of you know, it can be exhausting.  Please keep her in your prayers as well!

God has been shaking us and continues to chip away those sharp corners so that we can more effectively shine the light and share the love of Jesus to those around us.  Sometimes we wonder how God will use us, but He reveals little by little what He is doing in us and through us.  There is always work to be done in our hearts as we continually need to lay down things that try to take precedence over Him.  I am grateful that He is so patient with me as I am a stinker when I want to hold on to something.

We love you and appreciate you, more than you know!  May we all remain open to whatever heart surgery God wants to do in us as He sees the grand picture where we only see a splinter of the image.

Some pictures of some of the people we met:
Diory - a gal that is learning English far far away from home!
Carolyn - Pastor's Steve wife - she has been serving in many capacities for years.
Thank you for your smile, Carolyn!
Leslie - a sweet and strong woman of God.
Crazy Darryl holding a black-headed python.

Prayer requests:
- Preparation for this semester as it begins at the end of August.
- Safe travels for students and interns.
- Students, interns and staff to plug into God this semester and hunger for more of His presence.
- Safe travels for Andrew as he travels to and from Minnesota.
- Darryl and Brice as they are both dealing with cancer.
- Cathy and her family as she is about to graduate to heaven.

Check out our praise reports on our website.  They are on the right hand side of the page.

Until next time,
Dawn and Andrew McBride

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