
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. - Romans 12:10-13 (NKJV)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Pardon me for the ramblings...

Wow, has it really been that long since I posted?  It is amazing how quickly time flies and life gets busy.  I must also admit that I get analysis paralysis.  You know, you start to over think things and you end up not acting on anything.

I have been working multiple topics for this blog but each one seems to be longer than the next.  I haven’t finished any of them as I get stuck in the middle and feel they are too long so I start on another topic.  Mentally I put pressure on myself based on my flesh.  I think that I have to be some sort-of super spiritual person; after all, I am going on the mission field.  Pride rears its ugly head again.  Pride comes veiled as so much in our lives.  Try to be a better musician; you can start thinking you are better than you really are.  Become a teacher; you can start thinking you know more than you really do.

The reality in this for me, besides pride, is that we are to keep things simple.  We have a way of making things more difficult than they should.  When I look at Christianity it is easy.  Acknowledge you are a sinner, believe Jesus is God, that He die and He rose again to pay for your sins.  Live for God.  It is almost unbelievably simple, but my flesh makes things harder. 

Simplicity is part of the reason why Jesus used parables, so that all could understand.  When we speak with people, break the Gospel down into the simplest of terms.  God can use anyone He wants.  There is no prerequisite of education.  Could you imagine the rejection letter Jesus would have gotten from some of today’s churches or schools: “Thanks for your application but you do not have the required title of MD or PhD.”  I know that they are protecting themselves from wolves in sheep’s clothing, but sometime we hide behind it because that is what the world does.  It can also be a reason why we don’t feel like we are called to do certain tasks.  I’m not qualified; I’m not as smart as…  The simple truth is, if the Spirit is prompting you, listen, meditate, pray, and act. 

Love is an action.  My paralysis is a form of non-action, a selfish look at me instead of simply letting others knows how God is working in my life.  Lord, forgive me for my lack of action. Forgive me for my lack of simplicity.

In Christ,


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