Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall
strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!” Psalm 27:14
Waiting…. How many of us enjoying waiting?
Waiting at red lights…
Waiting in line at the store…
Waiting for a response…
Yet, God is reminding me in the midst of my waiting that He
is enough. What does that mean? It means that even though I don’t know why, I
don’t know when things will change, or how things will change, I can trust that
God is in control. As I yield to His
leadership and follow the leading He gives me that is what I am to do today.
What if this never happens or I never get that?
Well, if no is the answer, there is a good reason. When we were children and our parents said no
to something, we had to let it go and not harp on them for it. We chose to trust them. God is the same. He says no for a good reason. He may be saying not right now. Either way, it doesn’t change the fact that
He is good, trustworthy, and faithful. I
don’t have to understand everything. I
do know that God is good and I can trust His heart when I can’t see what He is
Sometimes I put God in a box and I don’t even realize
it. Today I was reading in 1 Samuel 4
how the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines. This brought great sorrow to the Israelites. The amazing thing is, where ever the
Philistines took the ark, it brought great tragedy to that Philistine
city. One of my favorite passages is 1
Samuel 5:1-5. God was making a point to
them. This ark does not belong to
you. Return it to the rightful owners or
you will suffer the consequences. They
kept moving the ark to different cities until they realized that they needed to
get rid of it.
The Philistines decided to load the ark onto a cart that
would be pulled by two cows. They would
let the cows go free and let them determine their own path. The Philistines said that if the cart goes
back to the Israelites, it indeed was the God of the Israelites that smote
them. If the cows went off anywhere
else, their misery was happenstance. Can
you guess where the cows went? Yep, down
the road towards the Israelites.
This reminded me that God is much bigger than me and my
understanding. When things don’t work
out according to how I thought they would, it does not diminish God’s
sovereignty. It’s easy to get caught up
in what I want, when I think it might happen, and lose sight of all of the
great things God is doing in the here and now.
The future is for Him to determine.
I just need to stay faithful to what He has called me to right now. I can take my hand off the door of tomorrow
and put it to work doing what has been ordained for today.
I was challenged with a thought that I read on a blog about why
we sometimes have to wait: “To build your dependence on Him when you are barren
and empty to see if He is truly all you desire and all you need.” So, am I going to remain with my eyes fixed on
my hopes and dreams of tomorrow, or am I going to be faithful with what He has
given for me to do today? I choose
today. I choose to be faithful today. What do you choose?